Rewiring Teens 4 Success

Create Your Story Exactly The WAY You Want It Read!

Everyone under the sun is unique in a special way and has something of value to offer to the world. That uniqueness or gift may not be witnessed on a large scale or world stage, but however little or big, it can make the difference in someone else’s life when expressed.

Unfortunately an array of factors - a majority of which are self imposed - prevent people from expressing their uniqueness and gifts and as a result, no one including themselves ever get to experience the precious value they possess.

Recently, I and my 3 year old son decided to do a science experiment. It was a science experiment I remember doing as a little boy also. We took an empty glass jar and put some cotton wool in it. Next we added some water until the cotton wool was slightly covered. We collected a bean seed from the food cupboard and dropped it into the jar containing the cotton wool and water. Every day we would check on the bean seed to see if it was growing. On the first two days there were no noticeable difference, but on the third day, we noticed the bean seed had shed its outer skin and started to grow. On and on it grew and on the sixth day the bean seed had grown beautiful fresh green leaves. My 3 year old son was so excited. He kept saying to me, “Daddy, this is awesome!”

This got me thinking. A bean seed that looked lifeless among a hundred other lifeless bean seeds has suddenly grown into a beautiful plant full of life. If we had left that seed in the food cupboard with the other seeds, it would still be a bean seed in the food cupboard even though it had within it an amazing power to flourish and express life, even though it was created to grow and add value.

The point of this story is, just as the bean seed expressed itself because it was planted and brought joy to my 3 year old son, so also your uniqueness or gift can bring joy and make a difference in someone else’s life if you will express it.

Some people may be fortunate enough to have someone pull them out of a food cupboard and give them an opportunity to express themselves by positioning them like my son and I did for the bean seed.

But not everyone will be that fortunate. So I challenge you to look within and find out what makes you unique. What gift or gifts do you possess? Once you find out, express it! Do something with it. Start small if you have to. Do it big if you have the opportunity to and you will bring joy and make a difference in yours and another’s life.

Every successful person out there who is making an impact in the world today started somewhere – in many cases very humble beginnings.

Express yourself today and watch the world light up around you!

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